Consciousness warrior. Construct commentator. Lost soul trying to find herself in this mess we call existence.

My journey is one of abuse, trauma, abandonment and loss, but like all good stories, my story is also a journey where I find love, friendship, truth and, best of all myself.
I share my stories, thoughts, musings and truths to honor all the people who crossed my path that inspired, taught and helped me heal. I am forever grateful for those who felt compelled to share, and I hope that my light, in all of its shade, helps others find their way.

I am tired. I am tired of thinking I can beat the system by using their tools to speak out against them. I know others can. But when I am in the flow and channel my work, I cannot self-censor. And I don't want to play by their rules all the time.

Sure, I can keep a presence online and occasionally speak in code. But my heart wants to commune with others whose hearts demand we speak our truth—unedited, uncensored, without judgement or fear.

So I am working here in this space, finding a home for all aspects of myself. I am on a journey, finding a new home physically, mentally and spiritually.
The website represents my commitment to being transparent and accepting myself in all of its forms. I am a multifaceted woman, and through the power of audience capture, it is effortless for my ego to fall into the trap of posting themes that get likes and shares. As I have said, I am not perfect, I am human, and I love and accept myself, and so here, I shall share myself with you; in all of its forms. Without fear of being cancelled, and without subconsciously posting to get a hit of validation. Somethings will not be of your liking. Others will resonate to the depths of your soul. This site has four spaces that will help me share my story with you....and hopefully together we create a future, where we can speak our minds without fear of judgement and persecution.


We often speak of a crumbling world: the death of the systems that entrap up and keep us slaves to the money men and our inflamed egos. Yet, we cannot build a new world over these collapsing systems alone. We need collective conversations. We need you: your energy, your spirit, your vision. We must co-create a reality we are proud to hand over to our children and grandchildren.

I have created I AM FREED - with Ali and Friends. Join my private member's group, where we have online video calls to discuss topics. This is where we do not need to speak in code of self-sensor. I AM FREED is where we meet each other and talk freely. There is a small monthly fee to help pay for secure servers and hopefully grow into a large community of like-minded people passionate about co-creating a future where sovereignty, health and abundance are possible for everyone, not just a privileged few.



I am a construct commentator. It’s what I do. I comment on what I see and how I interpret the world. I am curious about how others see the world. My writing is my freedom. I share because, on my journey of healing and liberation, others were brave enough to tell stories of their emancipation from the matrix.I have released a book of my favorite posts, Medicine for the Awakening. I have curated my favorite thoughts: my warrior’s cry for freedom. My words of wisdom shared with those who seek a light to follow.I am busy writing my memoirs, letting it all flow, and hoping like hell my truth doesn’t get my ass sued off.



This is my passion project. I love beautiful things and items that help remind us that we are empowered. Farm to Freedom Texas is an apparel and provisions brand that empowers personal and collective sovereignty through intentional choices, sustainable agriculture, and support for local farmers and makers.



My journey to create and curate a physical home. This is where I want to share my love of animals and the outdoors. I am aware that As Is Above is Below, so as I move through life, I want to share my journey of the things that bring me comfort and joy.