Alice in Wonderland


I think for most of my life, I was attracted to chaos because it's all I knew. It's what I grew up in, so it's the only recipe I knew how to make. So I brought people into my life to recreate those old patterns, and the madness continued. And then their chaos inside of them would accuse me of being chaotic, and indeed, I was too.

But I am learning that at my core, I'm a very simple person. I like animals, nature, plants, good food, hiking, sitting on a porch, talking to friends, being by myself, reflecting, and being grateful for where I am and where I've come from.

My house in Kansas that I recently sold was a massive mega-mansion that I decided to keep it as part of my divorce, believing me and my family would need a place to commune/compound when systems started collapsing. And I gave it a good Hail Mary, trying to hold it all together; even though the maintenance and repair expenses were eating me alive, I felt like I had to stay there to keep everyone safe.

And it was total chaos-part of my pattern.

I was talking to a friend down in Texas last fall who has a farm here, and I said something about my farm in Kansas, and he said. "Ali, that's not a farm. That's a Malibu beach house on some land", and he was correct, and it was then that my wheels started turning to make my way down south to community and more like-minded people.

Alice Farm

More Simple.
Less Chaos.

And I sit here in this house now-it's sweltering outside, my dogs are all over me until I can get a structure built for them, there's crap everywhere, stacks of boxes on my front porch, painters and ladders everywhere, I'm drinking through a fire hose to price drilling a well, learning my water catchment system, avoiding snakes and scorpions, integrating my new goats with my dogs, making new friends and learning the area, and once again, it's chaos.

But, for the first time in my life, it's my own chaos-and this time, it's not the old fears and attachments I've had propelling me- this time, it's necessary chaos to get where I want to be, with my farm, friends, my animals and plants all around me.

I am beyond blessed.

Now I am stepping into Wonderland. Join me on my journey. I promise you it's going to be the trip of a lifetime.